The trajectory of the life of artisan fishermen victims of spinal cord injuries caused by diving: experiences, social representations and stress


Aim: To analyze the social representations, stress levels and experience of fishermen who are victims of spinal cord injury as a result of diving accidents. Method: This is an exploratory and descriptive study that uses quantitative, qualitative and representational data. It was developed in the fishing colonies located on nine beaches in the northern coast of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, involving 44 fishermen.  Data was gathered from October 2013 to August 2014, and semi-structured interviews, with closed and semi-open questions, were used. Data were analyzed using descriptive and analytical statistics using ALCESTE software in the light of the analysis of social representation theory and content analysis. Results: The participants were male, aged 49.6 years on average, of elementary school level (68.2%), married (77.3%) and suffering from paraplegia sequelae (50%). The analysis of the qualitative data led to the identification of seven categories. Conclusion: The social representations of the cases of spinal cord injury are concerned with the moment of transition between before and after the accident, and they involve the prevention of fishing activity, facing the situation with the remaining potential sequelae, and the consequent impact of stress.
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