Spirituality and bibliotherapy in the treatment of patients with HIV/AIDS: a phenomenological perspective
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Intervenção Espiritua
l Saúde
Cuidado Integral Spiritual intervention
Well Being
Comprehensive Care Intervención Espiritual
Atención Integral

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Problem: To consider the strain on caregivers who have to work for many hours; meet a significant demand in terms of needs; endure daily pain, loss and suffering on the part of their clients; provide care in environments that are often unhealthy and/or are lacking in many resources; not having received proper training and humanistic, psychological and spiritual education to deal sensitively and creatively with the human existential complex. Aims: To understand the perceptions of patients who experience HIV/AIDS in relation to their spirituality; analyze from a phenomenological perspective, the spiritual dimension experienced in care, through the application of reading narrated as therapy, and identify the impact of the practice of the art of reading associated with the art of caring, in the humanization of patients who experience HIV/AIDS. Method: This is a descriptive study, in which a qualitative approach and a phenomenological method will be used, to be conducted by field research.
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