Aim: to understand what the nursing student participants experienced when taking part in a theoretical-practical course focused on the subject of infant health. Method: this was a phenomenological study, based on the theoretical framework of Maurice Merleau-Ponty. This study was carried out using a qualitative approach. The participants were 30 undergraduate nursing students who were, at the time, in the eighth semester of the course. Results: students can be found everyday in different environments and with the children's family members. Once they allow themselves to be dazzled by the children, they are under their watching eyes and of their family members. Then, the phenomenon occurs, creating the following categories: intersubjectivity as a relationship between students and infants and the intersubjectivity and empathy experienced while caring for children. Practical implications: the implementation of theoretical knowledge in practice will strengthen strategies such as empathy, leading to the establishment of an intersubjective involvement for those caring for infants. Conclusion: the relation of intersubjectivity is established between students and infants due to the student entering the child version of reality.References
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