Gloves, an educational technology assisting the adherence of nursing professionals to contact precautions: a methodological study
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Equipamentos de proteção individual
Medidas de precaução de contato
Luvas Individual Protection Equipment
Contact Precaution
Gloves Equipamentos de protección individual
Medidas de precaución de contacto

PlumX Metrics


This is a dissertation project that is part of the Professional Master’s Program in Assisting Nursing of Fluminense Federal University. Aim: To propose an educational technology in a CD-ROM (video) format, aiming to encourage nursing professionals to adhere to contact precautions, with a focus on gloves. Method: This is a methodological study, which adopts a quantitative-qualitative approach, that is done in four steps: designing a CD-ROM, validation of the media, selection of the target audience and adequacy of the media. The data collection was done through interviews and the use of evaluation instruments. The sample consisted of nursing professionals and expert judges. Subjects are nursing professionals from medical and surgical clinics of a College Hospital in the state of Rio de Janeiro. Expected results: this research is in progress. It is expected to contribute to improving the assistance provided and a higher adherence to contact precautions on the part of nursing teams.
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Oliveira AC, Lucas TC. Adoption of measures of the precaution in the teaching care practice by health care workers team: perceptions and limitations. Online braz j nurs [Internet]. 2008 November [Cited 2013 Aug 29]; 7 (3). Available from: doi:

Brasil. Portaria nº 3.214/78. Norma Reguladora de Equipamento de Proteção Individual-NR6-Atualização em 08 de Dezembro de 2011-Portaria SIT 292