Tele-care in post-discharge follow-up of elderly people with dementia and their caregivers: quasi-experimental
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Elderly health
Alzheimer's disease
Geriatric nursing. Telemedicina
Salud de los ancianos
Enfermedad de Alzheimer
Enfermería Geriátrica. Telemedicina
Saúde do idoso
Doença de alzheimer
Enfermagem geriátrica.

PlumX Metrics


Objective: To analyze the effect of tele-care in reducing the burden of caregivers and in maintaining the functional and behavioral capacity of the elderly after hospital discharge. Method: Quantitative, quasi-experimental research, with anterior-posterior design, involving Telecare as an intervention. Result: Post-test evaluations demonstrated that the intervention was effective in reducing the burden of caregivers Zarit (p-value <0.001); in the Neuropsychiatric Inventory (NPI) there was a change in the item Distress (p-value = 0.002) demonstrating the improvement in the coping of caregivers through behavioral changes; however, the Prisma 7 tests (p-value = 0.002) showed a difference, however, due to the change in the age factor of the elderly; and in KATZ 70% of the patients did not change, for 25% the score decreased and for 5% the score increased. In global analysis, the change in KATZ was not statistically significant (p-value = 0.102). Conclusion: However, the data from this study demonstrated that the Tele-care reduced the burden and distress of caregivers, and maintaining the capacity to perform the activities of daily living of the elderly.
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