Aims: To understand the perceptions and meanings of being an adolescent woman in our society and to reflect upon the sociocultural construction of these women. Method: This is a field descriptive study, in which a qualitative approach was used, carried out in a public school in Rio Grande do Sul. Nine adolescent women participated in the study. Data collection occurred in June and July 2012 by means of focus groups. For data analysis we used thematic analysis. Result: Relations that teenagers have about sexuality, their condition as women, and the treatment they receive from family and society have emerged. Discussion: Great influence of gender on sexuality was found, and it was confirmed that adolescents bring their practices based on their socio-cultural backgrounds and relationships with regard to gender inequality, prejudice and social hierarchy. Conclusion: It is important for nurses to know the meanings attributed by adolescents to issues such as gender and sexuality, so that nurses can contribute to effective and contextualized strategies.
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