Aim: To evaluate the knowledge of adult men about promoting well-being, healthy eating and mental health in the work of men, before and after the application of educational video. Method: Descriptive, before-and-after, comparative study performed in a commercial facility within the scope of a health unit in June 2015. The sample included 20 working men. Results: The mean age was 26.8 (± 6.7) years. Only 25% performed clinical examinations annually. After video application, there was an increase in total scores (p<0.01). The sentences with increase of significant hits approached alcoholism (p<0.01, p=0.02) and hygiene (p=0.02, p=0.04). Discussion: The information of the educational video evidenced the need for clarification of the themes and importance of conducting preventive exams. Conclusion: The educational video was an accessible and promising intervention for effective health promotion, in the face of a significant improvement in knowledge assessment scores.References
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