Sexual and birth control health practices among female undergraduates: a descriptive study
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Health Care
Sexual and Reproductive Health
Family Planning Atención a la Salud
Salud Sexual y Reproductiva
Planificación Familiar Saúde da Mulher
Planejamento Familiar

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Aim: To describe the sexual and birth control health practices of Brazilian female undergraduates and compare them according to family income. Method: This is a descriptive study of a sample of eighty female public university students, using the chi-square test, with a significance level of p<0.05, and modified contingency coefficient. Results: Female undergraduates with lower incomes initiated their sex lives between the ages of 14 and 16 years (53.3%), used protection in their first sexual experience (80%) and used public health services (66.7%). Those with higher incomes started their sex lives at the age of 17 years old or more (64.7%), their first sexual intercourse was unprotected (35.3%), and they used the private health network (88.2%). Discussion: The level of family income does not influence access to sexual and reproductive health in the investigated sample. Conclusion: There are differences in the type of service provider used between those with different family incomes.
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