Nursing diagnosis and results for the institutionalized elderly: a methodological study
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Health Sciences
Nursing Care
Long Term Institution Ciencias de la Salud
Cuidados de Enfermería
Asilos para ancianos Ciências da Saúde
Cuidados de Enfermagem
Instituição de Longa Permanência

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Aims: To identify nursing practice focuses and create statements in terms of the diagnoses and results of the International Classification for Nursing Practice (ICNP®) for the institutionalized elderly. Method: This is a methodological study based on Horta’s theory, carried out in a long term care facility for the elderly (LTCF), using the cross-mapping technique and content validation. Eighty three (83) elderly individuals participated in the study. Results: We identified 192 focuses of nursing practice and the construction of 129 statements of diagnostics and results. According to the cross-mapping, we can highlight that 60 statements were constant and 69 were not listed in the ICNP®, version 2013. Conclusion: The 192 focuses of nursing practice that have been identified in the health assessment of the institutionalized elderly allowed the construction of 129 statements of diagnoses and results. These findings make it possible to implement the process in order to systematize nursing practice in these environments.
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