Perceptions of teachers on their corporeality in nursing education: a phenomenological study
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Nursing Educación en Enfermería
Investigación Cualitativa Docentes
Educação em Enfermagem

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Introduction: The topic of corporeality is a significant attribute in nursing education, as it deals with human care education. Objective: To understand how a nursing teacher perceives his body in professional acting. Method: This research involves a qualitative study based on the philosophical work of Merleau-Ponty,  it was undertaken in 2009 with ten teachers of nursing within a public university in the state of Paraná. Result: The nursing faculty demonstrate an awareness of the body in pedagogical practice in addition to the biological aspects. They assign meanings to the body as a facilitator of interpersonal relationships and as a teaching tool, which reflect on both theoretical and practical learning.  At the same time, they are aware of the impact of the work process on their lives and bodies. Conclusion: Recognizing oneself as corporeality and understanding one’s professional relationship will enable a good standard of pedagogical work, providing better teacher-student, teacher-teacher and teacher-health staff interactions, as well as facilitating self-knowledge and interpersonal relationships in professional activities
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