Obesity in adult women: home-based cross-sectional study
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Epidemiologia Obesity
Public Health
Women's Health Obesidad
Salud Pública
Salud de la Mujer

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Aim: To estimate the prevalence of obesity and associated factors in adult women. Method: This is a cross-sectional study of 240 women enrolled in primary care in a city in the state of Minas Gerais. Data collection took place between April and July 2012. Results: The prevalence of obesity was 37.08 percent (n=89). The following variables are associated with Body Mass Index (BMI): age (p=0.000, OR=3.35, CI=1.9 to 5.8), contraceptive use (p=0.00), disease associated with obesity (p=0.00) and use of sugar to sweeten drinks (p=0.00, OR=3.8, CI=11.5). Discussion: The prevalence of obesity was higher than that found at national and global levels. The factors associated are congruent with those found in the literature. Conclusion: When planning and executing actions aimed at controlling female obesity, managers and health professionals should consider this evidence.

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