Aim: to understand the experience of primiparous women with cesarean section. Method: this is a qualitative research based on the social phenomenology of Alfred Schütz. Eight puerperal were interviewed in the year of 2012, who gave birth in maternities supported by health plans in the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais. Results: women are influenced by close people when choosing to have a cesarean section, and their decision is supported by the fear of vaginal delivery, associated to pain and suffering. Once the decision is made, the fear is associated to the surgery and the anesthesia. The puerperals show satisfaction regarding the limitations in post-operation. It is important to highlight the need of professional support and the caring of the newborn. In the case of a second pregnancy, women desire to have another cesarean section. Conclusion: the results demonstrate a necessity of professional attitudes that corroborate with the experiences and expectancies of women under cesarean section.
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