Children dependent on technology, a challenge in health education: a descriptive study
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Home Nursing
Child Care
Nursing Care
Chronic Disease
Family Atención Domiciliaria de Salud
Cuidado del Niño
Atención de Enfermería
Enfermedad Crónica
Familia Assistência Domiciliar
Cuidado da Criança
Cuidados de Enfermagem
Doença crônica

PlumX Metrics


Aim: to verify how the health team of the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) promotes the training of family caregivers of children dependent on technology (CDT); to identify the factors that interfere with family care for CDT in the PICU environment and at home; and to verify the health support system offered in home care to caregivers. Method: This is a qualitative-descriptive study with 14 CDT family caregivers. Thematic Content Analysis was used as a strategy of analysis and Symbolic Interactionism as a theoretical reference. Results: There is a deficiency in terms of caregiver support, disinformation and lack of knowledge related to complex care, and a disjointed and almost non-existent support system among the many factors that influence CDT care. Conclusion: there were gaps in the care setting for CDT, especially in the health education process of caregivers and in the follow-up and monitoring by the public services.
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