Aim: to better understand the experiences of fathers regarding the care of their premature child in the first days after discharge. Method: qualitative approach study. Seven parents participated, who had preterm infants hospitalized in a neonatal intensive care unit. Data collection took place in the period from March to June 2015. For data analysis, the methodological reference of the discourse of the collective subject was used. Results: the speeches were grouped into three themes: 1) Experiencing the emotions of the first night with the child at home; 2) Taking responsibility for the care of the premature child at home; 3) Putting into practice the care measures learned from the nursing team during the hospitalization period. Conclusion: the fathers participated in the care of the child. The nursing team should be prepared to encourage the presence of the father in hospital environments, involving him in the early care practices, so that he can feel more secure when the child is brought home.References
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