Experience of women in the postoperative period of bariatric surgery: a phenomenological study
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Ciências da Vida
Saúde da Mulher
Perda de Peso
Fenomenologia. Life Sciences
Women's Health
Weight Loss
Phenomenology. Ciencias de la Vida
Salud de la Mujer
Pérdida de Peso

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Aim: understand the experience of women in the postoperative period of bariatric surgery. Method: qualitative study based on Social Phenomenology of Alfred Schütz. The study included eight women, whose testimonies were obtained in the period October-December 2012 through interviews with open questions. Results: The category "Rescue of everyday activities" reveals that surgery allowed the control of chronic diseases associated with obesity, autonomy for self-care and daily activities, the rescue of self-esteem and social inclusion. The category "Challenges" shows that women live with the need to adopt healthy eating habits that can enable the achievement and maintenance of the desired weight. Conclusion: Although this study evidences a gain in quality of life of the "bariatriczied" woman, it also underscores the need for a shared and longitudinal care with this clientele by a multidisciplinary team, due to the chronic nature of obesity.
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