Paradigmatic perspectives of the technological production of Postgraduate Nursing courses: a descriptive study
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Educação de Pós-Graduação em Enfermagem
Educação Profissionalizante
Pesquisa Científica e Desenvolvimento Tecnológico
Tecnologia Biomédica Tecnologías de enfermería
Tecnologías asistenciales
Máster Profesional
Tecnologías del Cuidado em Enfermería Nursing Technologies
Social Care Technologies
Professional Master's Degree
Nursing Care Technologies

PlumX Metrics


Problem: it is relevant to investigate the way postgraduate nurses have been developing their technological production so as to meet the patients’ demands as well as collaborating to the work of the nursing practice. Aim: to analyze the technological productions in the dissertations produced in Professional Postgraduate courses in Social Care between 2006 and 2012, taking into account the paradigmatic perspectives that guide such productions. Method: this is a descriptive and analytical study that has been based on the dissertations available at the Thesis Database and at the digital database of the scientific production in nursing technology throughout the last decade: from 2003 to 2013. The analysis and discussion are based on the descriptive-analytic synthesis method. It takes into consideration the law that regulates professional master’s courses and the related scientific literature, using the multi-referential theory as a support.
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