Aim: To describe the educational views and practices of family health teams to people with arterial hypertension and their relatives. Method: This is a qualitative study performed with 12 medical and nursing professionals from a municipality located in the Brazilian state of Parana. The data was collected in May 2011, with a semi-structured instrument and submitted to the analysis of content. Results: The professionals believe that education in health is an action to promote health and prevent diseases, but they have a narrow perspective regarding the disease and the individual, despite the fact they recognize the importance of the family in the process; the views about working conditions and technical-scientific preparedness reinforces this view. Discussion: The educational practice must empower families to be able to transform their reality, which does not happen based on reductionist and traditional educational practices. Conclusion: These professionals must search for further information that can open their minds regarding educational views and practices, empowering the families to emancipate the care and the control over the illness.References
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