Cultural adaptation of a questionnaire on patient perceptions of artificial heart devices: methodological study
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Enfermagem Perioperatória
Percepção Heart-Assist Devices
Perioperative Nursing

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Objective: To culturally adapt a questionnaire that evaluates patients' perceptions of the artificial heart device, technical concerns, and individual needs after a pacemaker implant or implantable cardioverter defibrillator. Method: Observational, cross-sectional study that covered the stages of translation of the questionnaire into spoken and written Brazilian Portuguese, evaluated by a committee of judges to obtain the first consensual version in spoken and written Portuguese in Brazil and evaluated with the target population. The questionnaire consists of 23 questions that assess different aspects of the patient’s life regarding the implanted device. Results: Data were collected between February and June 2022, and 30 patients with pacemakers and 32 with implantable cardioverter defibrillators participated in the study. In the semantic validation, 60 (96.8%) patients answered that they “would not like to change anything in the questionnaire”. Conclusion: The questionnaire on patient perceptions of artificial heart devices has been culturally adapted for use in Brazil.
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