Implications of Covid-19 on the working conditions of nursing professionals: a descriptive study
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Condições de Trabalho
Equipe de Enfermagem
COVID-19 Working conditions
Nursing Team

PlumX Metrics


Objective: to analyze the working conditions of nursing professionals in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic in a hospital in the interior of Mato Grosso State.  Method: descriptive, cross-sectional, quantitative study with data collection performed through a questionnaire using the Likert scale. Data were obtained between November 2020 and January 2021 and tabulated on Microsoft Excel®. Results: sample composed of 50 nursing professionals. The majority of the participants 48 (96.00%) performed direct care to Covid-19 patients and ensured they had received individual PPE equipment.  Regarding training, 41 (82.0%) stated that they had obtained training in the work environment and 42 (84.00%) professionals noticed changes in work due to the pandemic situation.  Conclusion: the participants recognized that there were changes in the work routine resulting from the Covid-19 pandemic, potentiating the physical and mental strain associated with work.
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