Objectives: to analyze the feelings and conflicts experienced by nursing professionals in the care of patients with COVID-19; to analyze the implementation of nursing care for the first patients with COVID-19 in an intensive care unit in the city of Rio de Janeiro. Method: qualitative, descriptive and exploratory research. Participants were 71 professionals from the nursing team who develop work activities in the fight against COVID-19 in an intensive care unit in the city of Rio de Janeiro, through online collection. Descriptive statistics and thematic content analysis were used for the analyses. Results: the content analysis revealed feelings in the face of the unknown virus, fear of getting infected, fear of losing one's life and care aspects in the face of the COVID-19 phenomenon. Conclusion: nursing presented feelings and conflicts, such as insecurity and fear. The group built knowledge and skills to handle the realization of this care in the pandemic, including creative aspects and collective construction.
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