Abstract (EN): Participatory Action Research in Health (PaPS) is an approach that includes people in the process. It is not done "on" people as taxpayers who provide "data", but "with" them to provide relevant information in order to improve their lives and produce solutions. The research process is seen as a partnership with people whose life or work is the subject of the research. PaPS is a promising proposal for a new generation of clinical trials, especially in community-based studies as it produces evidence to address several current challenges such as the use of emerging health technologies and patient / community engagement strategies to co-create useful solutions as well as data management and the emergence of participatory epidemiology.
International Collaboration for Participatory Health Research (ICPHR). Position Paper 1:What is Participatory Health Research? [Internet]. Berlin: International Collaboration for Participatory Health Research. 2013 Maio [cited 2020 maio 12]. Available from: http://www.icphr.org/position-papers--discussion-papers/position-paper-no-1

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