Objective: To translate the Attitudes Towards Condoms Scale and adapt it to European Portuguese. Method: A methodological study developed through translation and cultural adaptation and further proof of the psychometric properties. Convenience sample. The participants were 237 students of a Portuguese university, with mean age of 21.86 years old (SD=2.21). There was translation and back-translation. Data was collected on a campus in the setting of a night academic party. The ethical requirements were met. Results: The translated instrument is clear and understandable. There was content and appearance validity, as well as construct and criterion validity. Reliability was tested, with satisfactory inter-item correlations between .071 and .647. The item-total correlations varied between .312 and .719, revealing homogeneity of the instrument. For the internal consistency, the Cronbach's alpha coefficient was .880. Conclusion: The instrument’s version proves to be valid and reliable...
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