Effect of educational hypermedia on peripheral venous puncture in nursing knowledge: a quasi-experimental study


Aim: to evaluate the knowledge of the nursing team of a university hospital before and after the use of an educational hypermedia about the peripheral venous puncture. Method: a quasi-experimental study with 57 nursing professionals from a university hospital in the city of Fortaleza, Ceará. The previous knowledge and acquired knowledge were verified after the use of hypermedia available in the Solar Platform of the Federal University of Ceará. For statistical analysis, the binomial test and p <0.05 were used. Results: the correct answers were statistically significant in all post-test questions of nursing technicians and in 46.6% of nurses' post-test questions. In the questions where there was no statistical difference, the increase in the number of correct answers was observed. Conclusion: the effectiveness of hypermedia for the teaching of the nursing team indicates that it is a resource that can contribute to professional qualification on peripheral venous puncture.
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