Assignments and competencies of nursing managers: a descriptive exploratory research
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Nursing Management
Nursing Atribuciones
Gerentes de Enfermería
Enfermería. Atribuições
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im:  to  identify  the  attributes   and  competencies  of  nursingmanagers in the teaching hospitals in the state of Paraná, in relation to their teaching, research,   care   and   management.   Method:   a   descriptive,   exploratory,   qualitative approach,  carried  out  in  12  teaching  hospitals  in  Paraná,  through  semi-structured interviews  with  13  nurses  who  occupy  the  top  position  in  nursing.  The  interviews included  identification  data  of  the  participants,  their  positions  and  their  attributes  and competencies.  Results:  the  attributes  were;  institutional  representation,  nursing  care management,  human  resources  management  and  teaching.  The  skills  that  stood  out after  content  analysis  were;  conflict  management,  leadership,  decision  making  and policy.  Conclusions:  although  the  research  was  carried  out  in  teaching  hospitals,  the most  frequent  assignments  and  competencies  of  managers  relate  to  the  managerial dimension to the detriment of the teaching and research dimensions.
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