Aim: To identify demographic and socioeconomic aspects of women in marital violence. Method: This is a descriptive and quantitative study, linked to an action research project under funding from the Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado da Bahia (Research Support Foundation of the Bahia State). A documentary research was carried out from the information contained in 212 cases registered in 2014 under the jurisprudence of the 1st Court of Domestic and Family Violence against Women in Salvador. Data analysis was performed through the distribution of frequencies. Result: the investigation of cases registered in 2014 revealed that the denunciation of domestic violence is performed mostly by women aged between 25 and 49 years old, black, single mothers, who have completed at least high school and are earning up to two minimum wages. Discussion: In this profile of women, already desirous of putting an end to violence, there must be an action plan so that they will not give up fighting for a life free of violence.References
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