Perceptions of nursing teachers and students on full care: An exploratory descriptive study
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Nursing Students. Pesquisadores
Estudantes de Enfermagem. Investigadores
Estudiantes de Enfermería.

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Aims: To understand the perceptions of comprehensive care on the part of teachers and students involved in a nursing course; to identify whether comprehensive care is being discussed in the academic training and, if so, how it has been approached. Method: This is an exploratory and descriptive study, in which a qualitative approach was used. This study was conducted with six students and seven nursing teachers of a higher education institution located in the central region of Rio Grande do Sul, between the months of December, 2010 and January, 2011. Results: Three major themes have emerged: the construction of completeness; full care of understanding and; nursing education with regard to comprehensive care. Conclusion: Comprehensive care is a gradual construction that emerges from the relationships and the deconstruction of linear practices focused on technicist actions. Full and comprehensive care must permeate the actions, the knowledge and the practice of nurses. For this reason it must be addressed during academic training.
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