An University that has strong link with the regional community, it should identify which are the demands that correspond to your mission and your possibilities of performance, and, sense like this, the expected knowledge will be that that comes minimize this community's problems. The evaluation is considered an efficient mechanism for this end. The evaluation of the Course of Nursing in UNISC is object of this study built through an approach with evaluations`s model extolled by Saul (2000) meditating the moments of participate research, in that the subjects emplayers and community expresses to the University they have your participation as a fundamental point. We didn't find, it executes and systematically this practice in the Brazilian Universities. The results appear for the creation of a negotiation espace among the subjects involved with the formative process with the objective to perfect and consolidate a work philosophy in the course. With this reflection and experience, we tried to point out the importance of this participation so that the society can evaluate that that receives and to say on what considers better for her and so that the University can accomplish with more that social mission.
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