Development of a center of nursing care
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Nursing Care
Public Health. Cuidado de Enfermagem
Saúde Pública
Enfermagem. Cuidado de Enfermagem
Saúde Pública

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An establishment that constitutes an innovation and a way of magnifying them scenes of practical of the university becomes important for configuring very important an academic activity: the extension. The work possess as objective a story of experience of the present definition of the Center of Nursing Care(CNC), space where the nurse can practice along to the community, improving the health conditions and existence of the people. This paper is the description of the development of the activities foreseen for the implantation and development of the CNC and its course (1ª publication). The result is the exposition of the executed activities already and those pendants, whose boarding will contribute for the effectuation of the implantation work. It is possible, thus, to carry through the basement of this environment of autonomy for the performance of the nursing, providing immense satisfaction to the professionals in making it and presenting it.
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