Resumo(EN):The primacy of writing about the famous Greek tragedies is attributed to Aeschylus of Eleusis, 525/524 BC. It brings in its heart the great heroes of the fight against the whims of the gods, or even against the force of destiny. The classic structure of Greek tragedy is: prologue, parodos, episodes, stasima and exodus. Except for rare cases, all the tragedies are announced. And as the title of this editorial suggests, the management of journals is not part of this tiny group. It calls for collaboration with: the construction and improvement of a low-cost matrix that allows the calculation of bibliometric measures; the optimization of scarce and qualified referees; the maximization with low costs of scientific production of Brazilian nursing; the qualification and multiplication of newer journal editors and, above all, the establishing of limits for interference of other actors on the publication of the scientific production of Brazilian nursing.
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