Spot the seven errors. Playing the game in the submission of scientific papers (Part 1): the horse and the carrot
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This editorial does not intend to be a methodological textbook, nor a manual of best practice in health publication. Regarding the discretionary aspects explored, the Uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals, authored by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors, makes good conceptual reading. The aim, however, is to briefly discuss my experience as the chief editor of the Online Brazilian Journal of Nursing, a position that I have occupied since 2011, and its intersection with international guidelines regarding the optimization of the process of scientific publication on health. Thus, as well put by exponents of Brazilian popular music: “... may the words I speak not be heard as a prayer nor repeated fervently, but just respected...” “or not ...”.The idea is to divide the subject into two editorial classes: the “Spot the Seven Errors” game, and to consider figures of speech in the submission of scientific articles.
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