Empirical indicators of the affected human needs of puerperal women: a methodological study
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Enfermería Obstétrica
Período de Postparto
Colecta de Datos
Estudios de Validación. Puerperium
Assistance systematization
Empirical indicators Puerperio
Sistematización de la Asistencia
Indicadores Empíricos

PlumX Metrics


Problem: During the postpartum period, the biological, psychological and psychosocial needs of women are changed. This fact places them in a vulnerable situation. Objective: To validate the relationship of empirical indicators with human needs affected in the puerperium. Method: Validation study carried out with five experts by focus group. Results: We identified and categorized 78 empirical indicators. From the focus group process, twenty-seven (27) affected human needs were related, that is, sixteen (16) were psychobiological in nature, ten (10) were psychosocial and one (1) was psycho-spiritual. The results of the focus group demonstrated a consensus in terms of judges' opinions regarding all the items displayed, since they have obtained 70% of the concordance index. Conclusion: From the identification of empirical indicators in the puerperium, it was possible to establish a relationship with the human needs of Horta, as well as validate them by means of expert opinion
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