Caring for women facing domestic violence: Grounded Theory
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Atenção à mulher em situação de violência conjugal
Gestão do cuidado Atención a la mujer en situación de violencia conyugal
Gestión del cuidado Caring of women under marital violence
Care management

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Aim: To understand the meanings attributed by health professionals about the care of women facing domestic violence as they are supported by the Family Health Strategy (FHS) program. Method: This is qualitative research, with the use of a method based on Grounded Theory. 52 professionals from health units of the Brazilian state of Santa Catarina were interviewed. Results: The management of FHS, in order to provide assistance to women, must give more importance to the words of the users, the development of bonds, the creation of spaces for discussion about domestic violence and the intersectorial and university articulation. Discussion: Health professionals must give some answers to the problems faced by the population, and therefore, they need to know more about domestic violence and how it is inserted in marital experience. Conclusion: While nursing, as a science, is focused in mixing the understandings and the practices, it is also essential in the process of organization of health units, above all by integrating the team and taking part of management positions inside the FHS.
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