Aim: To identify how people suffering from diabetes, rehospitalized due to uncontrolled glucose, perceived the disease, and the reasons that led to hospitalization. Method: This is a descriptive study of a qualitative nature, performed with seven people suffering from diabetes who were hospitalized at least twice within a 12-months period. Data were collected in 2010 through semi-structured interviews and were submitted to thematic content analysis. Results: The following categories have emerged: Experiencing the disease: 'we cannot do anything'; recognizing the possibility of complications: 'We can lose organs, lose everything..." and; the causes of hospitalization: 'When I realized, I was already in a bad condition'. Discussion: The complexity, limitations and feelings that permeate living with the disease; the deficiency of knowledge regarding it; denouncing the failure of the health services. Conclusions: Health professionals need to change their approach to people suffering from diabetes, making them capable of encouraging more effective self-care for controlling the disease.References
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