Objectives: to identify from the perspective of the nurse the careprovided to older adults with Alzheimer's Disease and what the main challenge for itsrealization is. Method: a descriptive-exploratory and qualitative study, conducted inAugust and September 2017, with 15 nurses working in the male and female medical clinicof a Teaching Hospital located in a municipality in the state of Paraíba. Data was collectedthrough interviews and records in field notes, and were subjected to Content Analysis.Results: four thematic categories emerged: Nurses' understanding of Alzheimer's Disease;Assistance to the older adult and the family; Lack of training; and Rejection of familymembers in the face of diagnosis. Conclusion: nurses have limited knowledge about thecare of older adults with Alzheimer's Disease. This knowledge deficit can haveconsequences in the care of older adults with Alzheimer's Disease, as well as for theirfamily members
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