Objective: To analyze the effects of low-level laser therapy in the intervention of lesions resulting from cutaneous leishmaniasis. Methods: This is a double-blind, randomized, quasi-experimental study conducted at a reference center in the northern region of Minas Gerais. Seven patients were randomly assigned to receive both intravenous treatment and local wound care for cutaneous leishmaniasis. Specifically, three patients were assigned to the control group and received conventional treatment, while four patients were assigned to the experimental group and received low-level laser therapy plus standard therapeutic measures. The primary outcome measure was the reduction in lesion size as assessed by the adapted Pressure Ulcer Scale for Healing. Paired comparison statistics using the t-test were used for data analysis. Results: No significant difference was observed between the control and experimental groups. Conclusion: Low-level laser therapy does not appear to improve the healing of cutaneous leishmaniasis lesions.
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