Interdisciplinarity: cornerstone of education on healthcare – a social research


This project addresses interdisciplinary pedagogy and its implementation in the Collective Health Nursing Residency Program, Fluminense Federal University. Some decades ago, curricular reform movements in health mainly took place in Latin America, with the aim of overcoming the prevalent and traditional guidelines, as supported by specialisms and by individualized and content-focused teaching practice. The study objectives are: to describe the development of care provided by resident nurses, in terms of interdisciplinarity; to examine whether interdisciplinarity has been encouraged during their training and; to discuss with teachers and residents the construction and implementation of interdisciplinarity in professional practice. Methodology: This is a qualitative research project in which we adopted a descriptive approach that is set in the Service Training Units. The instruments of data collection are semi-structured interviews and free participative observation. Thematic analysis will be used to construct analytical categories, contextualizing the problem in the light of the work of scholars such as Minayo, Japiassú, Ceccim and Fazenda
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