Dissertation project for the Professional Masters in Health Education at Fluminense Federal University. General Objective: To analyze the process of the implementation of Permanent Education (PE) activities in a psychiatric hospital in the municipality of Niterói. Specific Objectives: To describe the changes in the nursing work team of this hospital, as a result of the implementation of a discussion/supervision group, and describe the characteristics of PE as a changing device in professional practice in mental health. Method: This is a descriptive study using a qualitative approach. The data will be collected from open interviews with nursing professionals, a focal group and field journals. The data content will be analyzed. It is expected that this study will lead to a questioning about the practice at the hospital, and the setting up of a project that allows alternatives to current practice and which will improve the effectiveness of PE in this institution.
MERHY, Emerson Elias. Saúde: a cartografia do trabalho vivo. São Paulo: HUCITEC; 2007.189 p.
Mângia Elisabete Ferreira. Formação e educação permanente para produzir boas práticas em saúde mental. Rev. Ter. Ocup. Univ. São Paulo [periódico na Internet]. 2009 Ago [citado 2012 Jul 02]; 20(2): I-II. Disponível em: http://www.revistasusp.sibi.usp.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S1415-91042009000200001&lng=pt. Acessado em: 10 junho 2012.
Lino M.Backes V.Schmidt S.Ferraz F.Prado M.Martins S. The reality of Nursing Continuing Education in the Public Health Services. A descriptive study Online Brazilian Journal of Nursing [serial on the Internet]. 2007 January 20; [Cited 2012 July 2]; 6(0): [about ## p.]. Available from: <http://www.objnursing.uff.br/index.php/nursing/article/view/619>. Acessado em: 01 julho 2012.