Permanent education fostering new practices in mental health: A descriptive study.
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Projeto de dissertação do Mestrado Profissional Ensino na Saúde da Universidade Federal Fluminense que tem como objetivo geral analisar o processo de implantação das ações de Educação Permanente (EP) em um hospital psiquiátrico do Município de Niterói/ RJ Enfermería Enfermería Psiquiátrica Educación para la Salud Educación Continua Salud mental Educación para la salud Enfermería Educación Permanente Trabajo em equipo Grupo e Instituciones Dissertation project for the Professional Masters in Health Education at Fluminense Federal University. General Objective
To analyze the process of the implementation of Permanent Education (PE) activities in a psychiatric hospital in the municipality of

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Dissertation project for the Professional Masters in Health Education at Fluminense Federal University. General Objective: To analyze the process of the implementation of Permanent Education (PE) activities in a psychiatric hospital in the municipality of Niterói. Specific Objectives: To describe the changes in the nursing work team of this hospital, as a result of the implementation of a discussion/supervision group, and describe the characteristics of PE as a changing device in professional practice in mental health. Method: This is a descriptive study using a qualitative approach. The data will be collected from open interviews with nursing professionals, a focal group and field journals. The data content will be analyzed. It is expected that this study will lead to a questioning about the practice at the hospital, and the setting up of a project that allows alternatives to current practice and which will improve the effectiveness of PE in this institution.
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