The nursing assists, with frequency, patient bearers of alcoholic hepatic disease in advanced phase. It aimed to analyze the articles publications which treat about the thematic Alcoholic Liver Cirrhosis. Exploratory and descriptive study developed from April to June 2004, by means of consultations BIREME, via Internet, through descriptors Alcoholic Liver Cirrhosis. It obtained a total of 62 publications, since 1982 up to 2003, which were coded according to the thematic, consisting the Etiology approaches and physiopathology of the alcoholic Liver disease, Diagnosises studies, Complications, Treatment, Hepatic Carcinoma, Correlation input cirrhosis and another diseases. It was possible to verify that, from decade on of 90, there was a gradual decrease in the number of publications along years. It concluded that the thematic of the researches developed about alcoholic hepatic cirrhosis suffered a profile change, which passed of studies on the etiology and physiopathology of the alcoholic hepatic disease and diagnosises studies for the deepening concerning the complications and, especially, of the treatments.
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