Body hygiene of children with encephalopathy: a creative-sensible method for relatives
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Criança com Necessidade Especial de Saúde
Enfermagem Niño con necesidad especial de salud
Cuidado Familar
Enfermería Child with Special Health Needs
Family Care

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Aim: To describe practices related to body hygiene of children with encephalopathy  at their homes.  Method:  This  is  a  qualitative  study  using  the  creative-sensible method, with data generated from February to April 2014 through the dynamics “C orpo S aber”, and with five family groups of children assisted in the clinic of a cityhospital  in  the  municipality  of  Rio  de  Janeiro;  it  was  analyzed  according  to  the  French discourse analysis. Results: The body hygiene was contextualized by relatives in multiple dimensions,  such  as:  the  selection  of  the  time  for  hygiene,  location  and  necessary adaptations  to  perform  the  procedure,  the  affectionate  dimension  present  during  the bath, and the bath of child with gastrostomy. Discussion: For the relatives, body hygiene is presented as a complex care procedure, as it involves routines and adaptations related to  the  demand  of children;  however,  it  permitted  to  create moments  of  relaxation  and play.  Conclusion:  The  cultural  traits  of  each  family  supported  their  caring  practices, demonstrating the challenges created by the complexity of the care practice towards the demands of the children.
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