Aim: To evaluate the use of educational technology, the "Health-Environment Integrated Panel" with nursing graduates. Method: This is a descriptive, evaluative research, of a qualitative approach, conducted through a questionnaire with 18 nursing students of Rio das Ostras campus, of the Federal Fluminense University in May 2015. The data received analytical treatment that included exploration, organization and interpretive synthesis. Results: The results show the usability of technology and good ability to generate reflection, interaction and motivation for learning about the dynamics of the health-disease process resulting from socioenvironmental changes in the territory, and the ethical and political attitudes of nurses front these issues. Discussion: With the use of educational technology in this scenario, it was possible to implement a creative and stimulating practice of teaching, which involved action-reflection on various aspects of observed reality, favoring significant learning on the health-environment relationship in the training space of nurses. Conclusion: We suggest adjustments and validation of the aforementioned technology.References
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