Quality of life for venous ulcer patients: a comparative study in Brazil/Portugal


Introduction: Venous ulcers are a public health problem that affect quality of life (QOL) and are determined by socioeconomic context, health assistance and lesion characteristics. Aim: To compare the QOL of patients suffering from venous ulcers in Natal/Brazil with patients in Evora/Portugal. Method: Comparative and quantitative research involving 170 individuals suffering from venous ulcers, using the SF-36 instrument. Results: In Portugal, all dominion and dimension averages were higher than in Brazil, especially regarding social aspects (70.62). There were also a larger number of people with positive treatment characteristics. As for the lesion characteristics, these affected QOL dominions and dimensions in both countries. Discussion: The socioeconomic reality in Portugal is different from that in Brazil; the former has a larger variety and quantity of material resources available for lesion treatment. Conclusion: QOL in Portugal is better than in Brazil in terms of the aspects under consideration in this research.
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