Half-way Houses: a secondary analysis on the process of housing for mental suffering
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Psychiatric Reform is an issue which is discussed internationally. Its greatest challenge is to rethink means for caring people suffering from psychic disorders. In view of this, this study set out to anaylze and discuss the process of residential life for people discharged from a psychiatric hospital. This is a qualitative study that took place in the mental health network of the town of Campina Grande, Paraíba, Brazil and in which three professionals and seven residents of a mixed half-way house took part. The methods used to collect data were systematic observation, interview and recording in a field diary. Analysis of the data indicates that the dynamics of these residents living together is like that of a family, in which there are relationships of affection, caring, protection, and even of conflict. The facility has been a suitable location for (re) establishing affective bonds, in which its residents take on roles that can be associated with structuring kinship in addition to which the universal taboo of incest is reproduced, as described by Levi-Strauss. It was concluded that this reconstitution of an affective and family environment can become an indispensable resource for living together so as to cope with psychological distress and social reintegration.

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