Physical restraint in patients in Intensive Care Units: exploratory - a descriptive study


Aim:  to  analyze  the  criteria  for  the  use  and  monitoring  of  physical restrictions  in  patients  admitted  to  Intensive  Care  Units  (ICUs).  Method:  the  research had an exploratory, descriptive and qualitative character and was performed in two ICUs in  Bahia,  with  85  nursing  professionals.  The  data  were  organized  based  on  thematic analysis. Result: the members of the nursing team justified the use of physical restraint for patient safety, reporting the checking of the level of consciousness, agitation and/or disorientation  as  criteria for its use. F or monitoring, they observed patients’ skin integrity  and  changes  in  the  level  of  consciousness.  Therefore,  neurological  evaluation was  the  technique  most  commonly  used  by  professionals  to  verify the  need  for restriction. The knowledge of the team regarding the legal instruments that govern this procedure  was  superficial.  Conclusion:  we  identified  weak  spots  in  the  criteria  for monitoring and  - making use of physical restraint, since the knowledge is still incipient and there are no defined protocols.
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