Organization of care practices in the health network
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Objectives: to understand the organization of health care practices in the primary attention, considering it the coordinator of the health care network and to analyze in what way this network organization contributes to the development of best practices in health. Method: Grounded Theory collecting semi-structured interviews with health professionals, users and managers, constituting four sample groups. This article describes the results of the data analysis of the managers' group. Results: Construction of a theoretical model for the phenomenon: Framing the health care network: better care practices in the context of the public politics and for categories: Theoretical-conceptual referential for framing the health care network; Organization of care practices in the network perspective; Ordination of the attention: the primary attention role; Difficulties in the process of structuring the network; and, Characterizing better practices in the perspective of the health care network. Considerations: Health is a complex phenomenon resultant of the interactions experienced in the system of health care. The health care network, studied in these institutional contexts, reinforce the construction and development of best practices in health.
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