Technology used by companions in labor and childbirth: a descriptive study
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Humanizing Delivery
Obstetric Nursing Parto Humanizado
Enfermería Obstétrica Parto Humanizado
Enfermagem Obstétrica

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Aim: to evaluate the knowledge of companions about the use of support techniques during childbirth. Method: a descriptive, cross-sectional quantitative study undertaken at the Assis Chateaubriand Maternity Hospital with a sample of 62 companions. Data collection was undertaken from May to November 2011, through individual interviews and a survey. The Pearson's chi-square tests and Fisher's exact test for statistical associations were used. Results: 59 (95.2%) of the companions who witnessed the birth did not undergo any training; 32 (51.6%) were selected at the time of entry of the pregnant women in the emergency room; emotional support activities were predominant. The experience of witnessing the birth was considered to be positive on the part of 58 (96%) of the companions. Discussion: the most common relationship between companion and the pregnant woman were mother and daughter respectively. Feelings of insecurity and fear were experienced by some of the companions. Conclusion: the companion’s presence during labor constitutes a major form of care.
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