Permanent Education in the emergency mobile pre-hospital care service: an integrative review
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Emergency Medical Services
Inservice Training. Educación Continua
Servicios Médicos de Urgencia
Capacitación en Servicio. Atendimento pré-hospitalar móvel
Práticas de ensino
Serviço de atendimento móvel de urgência
Educação no serviço

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Aim: identify how continuing health education has been incorporated into teaching practice in publications about the mobile emergency service. Method: integrative review in three databases, with a time cut from 2010 to 2020. Results: three selected articles, emerging in two categories: Need for education practice to meet demands in mobile pre-hospital care; and Incorporation of continuing education as a strategy for new practices in mobile emergency care. Conclusion: there is a great demand for services in emergency networks, especially in the pre-hospital component. However, the incorporation of continuing education as a strategy for new practices in the service is still unclear, since only three articles have mentioned it. New research is suggested introducing permanent education into the practice of mobile pre-hospital emergency service, since it provides a critical re-reading of work practices and the needs arising from them, thus transforming them.
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