Objetivo: analizar la producción científica sobre el cuidado de la enfermería promovido a las mujeres embarazadas de alto riesgo. Método: revisión integradora, realizada entre septiembre y octubre de 2015 en las bases PubMed, CINAHL, Web of Science, SCOPUS, SciELO, MEDLINE, LILACS e BDENF con la ecuación Nursing Care AND Pregnancy, High-Risk, lo que totalizó 23 artículos. El análisis de los datos ocurrió por el procesamiento en el software IRAMUTEQ®. Resultados: se formaron seis clases que representan interfaces del cuidado de enfermería a las mujeres embarazadas de alto riesgo y reproducen sentido en: motivaciones, cuidado especializado, papel educador, estrategias de enfermería, asistencia multiprofesional y contexto del cuidado. Conclusión: era evidente el cuidado a las mujeres embarazadas de alto riesgo por medio del prenatal de calidad y de la asistencia domiciliar, a partir del plano de cuidados individualizado, sistematizado por el enfermero y por el equipo multiprofesional, con soporte familiar y utilización de tecnologías livianas.Citas
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The Collaborative Home Uterine Monitoring Study Group. A multicenter randomized controlled trial of home monitoring: Active Versus sham device. Am J Obstet Gynecol [periodic in the internet]. 1995 [cited 2015 out 05]; 173(4):1120-7. Available from: [included in the review]
Godecker AL, Harrison PA, Sidebottom AC. Nurse versus Community Health Worker Identification of Psychosocial Risks in Pregnancy through a Structured Interview. Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved [periodic in the internet]. Nov 2013 [cited 2015 out 04]; 24(4):1574–85. Available from: doi: 10.1353/hpu.2013.0164 [included in the review]
J. Mejdoubi et al. Effects of nurse home visitation on cigarette smoking, pregnancy outcomes and breastfeeding: A randomized controlled trial. Midwifery [periodic in the internet]. 2014 [cited 2015 out 02]; 30:688-95. Available from: [included in the review]
Twohy KM, Reif L. What do Public Health Nurses Really Do During Prenatal Home Appointments? Public Health Nursing [periodic in the internet]. 1997 [cited 2015 nov 28]; 14(6):324-31. Available from: [included in the review]
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Aguiar MIF, Freire PBG, Cruz IMP, Linard AG, Chaves ES, Rolim ILTP. Sistematização da assistência de enfermagem a paciente com síndrome hipertensiva específica da gestação. Rev. RENE [periódico na internet]. Out-dez 2010 [citado em 2015 out 13]; 11(04):66-75. Disponível em: [incluído na revisão]
Brooten D, Youngblut JM, Brown L, Finkler SA, Neff DF, Madigan E. A randomized trial of nurse specialist home care for women with high-risk pregnancies: outcomes and costs. Am J Manag Care [periodic in the internet]. 2001 [cited 215 out 13]; 7(8):793–803. Available from: [included in the review]
Little M, Saul GD, Testa K, Gaziano C. Improving pregnancy outcome and reducing avoidable clinical resource utilization through telephonic perinatal care coordination. Lippincott’s Case Management [periodic in the internet]. 2002 [cited 2015 out 12]; 7(3):103-12. Available from: [included in the review]
Muender MM, Moore ML, Chen GJ, Sevick MA. Cost-Benefit of a Nursing Telephone Intervention to Reduce Preterm and Low-Birthweight Births in an African American Clinic Population. Preventive Medicine [periodic in the internet]. 2000 [cited 2015 out 12]; 30. Available from: [included in the review]
Brooten D, Brooks L, Madigan EA, Youngblut JM. Home Care of High Risk Pregnant Women by Advanced Practice Nurses: Nurse Time Consumed. Home Healthc Nurse [periodic in the internet]. Dec 1998 [cited 2015 set 29]; 16(12):823–830. Available from: [included in the review]
Brooten D, Youngblut JM, Donahue D, Hamilton M, Hannan J, Neff DF. Women With High-Risk Pregnancies, Problems, and APN Interventions. J Nurs Scholarsh [periodic in the internet]. 2007 [cited 2015 set 29]; 39(4):349–57. Available from: doi:10.1111/j.1547-5069.2007.00192.x. [included in the review]
Harrison MJ, Kushner KE, Benzies K, Kimak C, Jacobs P, Mitchell BF. In-home nursing care for women with high-risk pregnancies: outcomes and cost. Obstetrics & Gynecology [periodic in the internet]. June 2001 [cited 2015 set 28]; 97(6):982-7. Available from: [included in the review]
Brooten D, Youngblut J, Blais K, Donahue D, Cruz I, Lightbourne M. APN-Physician Collaboration in Caring for Women With High- Risk Pregnancies. J Nurs Scholarsh [periodic in the internet]. 2005 [cited 2015 set 20]; 37(2):178–84. Available from: [included in the review]
Mackey MC, Sobral M. Staff Evaluation of a High-Risk Pregnancy Program. Public Health Nursing [periodic in the internet]. Apr 1997 [cited 2015 out 12]; 14(2):101-110. Available from: [included in the review]
Piechnik SL, Corbett MA. Reducing low birth weight among socioeconomically high-risk adolescent pregnancies. Successful Intervention With Certified Nurse-Midwife-Managed Care and a Multidisciplinary Team. Journal of Nurse-Midwifery [periodic in the internet]. Mar-Apr 1985 [cited 2015 out 05]; 30(2):88-98. Available from: [included in the review]
Dodge P, Brady M, Maguire B. Initiation of a nurse-developed interdisciplinary plan of care for opiate addiction in pregnant women and their infants. International Journal of Childbirth Education [periodic on the internet]. 2006 [cited 2015 set 28]; 21(2):21-4. Available from: [included in the review]
Santos CS, Marques JF, Carvalho FHC, Fernandes AFC, Henriques ACPT, Moreira KAP. Percepções de enfermeiras sobre a assistência prestada a mulheres diante do óbito fetal. Esc Anna Nery (impr.) [periódico na internet]. Abr-jun 2012 [citado em 2015 set 12]; 16(2):277-84. Disponível em: [incluído na revisão]
Lima EMA, Paiva LF, Amorim RKdFCC. Conhecimento e atitudes dos enfermeiros diante de gestantes com sintomas da doença hipertensiva específica da gestação atendidas em unidades básicas de saúde. J Health Sci Inst [periódico na internet]. 2010 [2013 out 13]; 28(2):151-3. Disponível em: [incluído na revisão]
Zampieri MFM. Vivenciando o processo educativo em enfermagem com gestantes de alto risco e seus acompanhantes. R. gaúcha Enferm. [periódico na internet]. Jan 2001 [citado em 2015 out 28] 22(1):140- 66. Disponível em: [incluído na revisão]
Danerek M, Marsal K, Cuttini M, Lingman G, Nilstun T, Dykes AK. Attitudes of Swedish midwives towards management of extremely preterm labourand birth. Midwifery [periodic in the internet]. 2012 [cited 2015 out 12]; 28:857- 64. Avaiable from: c [included in the review]
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