Objetivo: Realizar una revisión integrada para analizar las evidencias científicas referentes a la identificación de los microorganismos comunmente aislados en lesiones tisulares contaminadas y a los principales productos utilizados en las mismas.
Método: Revisión integrada a partir de una búsqueda usando los descriptores Úlcera de Pierna, Infección, Bactéria y Enfermería, en las bases de datos LILACS, IBECS, MEDLINE, Cochrane y SciELO, incluyendo artículos publicados entre 2003 y 2013.
Resultados: Fueron seleccionados 14 artículos, siendo siete de observación y siete estudios experimentales.
Discusión: Staphylococcus aureus y Pseudomonas aeruginosa fueron los microorganismos más imperantes en las lesiones tisulares evaluadas, seguidos por Enterobacter, Klebsiella pneumoniae y Acinetobacter. Los principales productos utilizados fueron alginato de plata, sulfadiazina de plata, luz ultravioleta y papaína, efectivos en la diminución de la carga bacteriana de lesiones contaminadas.
Conclusión: La identificación precoz de la presencia de microorganismos en las lesiones permite la decisión de la propedéutica adecuada a ser realizada.
Descriptores: Úlcera de la Pierna; Infección; Bacterias; Enfermería.
Martins MA, Tipple AFV, Reis C, Santiago SB, Bachion MM. Úlcera crônica de perna de pacientes em tratamento ambulatorial: análise microbiológica e de suscetibilidade antimicrobiana. Cienc Cuid Saude (Online) [Internet]. 2010 [Cited 2014 Oct 3] 9(3):464-70. Available from: http://periodicos. [included in the review]
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Gjødsbøl K, Skindersoe ME, Christensen JJ, Karlsmark T, Jørgensen B, Jensen AM, Klein BM, Sonnested MK, Krogfelt KA. No need for biopsies: comparison of three sample techniques for wound microbiota determination. Int Wound J. 2012 [Cited 2014 Oct 8] 9(3): 295-302. [included in the review]
Cantarelli VV, Brodt TCZ, Secchi C, Inamine E, Pereira FS. Cutaneous infection caused by Corynebacterium pseudodiphtheriticum. A microbiological report. Rev. Inst. Med. trop. S. Paulo. (Online) [Internet] 2008 [Cited 2014 Oct 8] 50(1): 51-52. Available from: [included in the review]
Cooper RA, Ameen H, Price P, McCulloch DA, Harding KG. A clinical investigation into the microbiological status of 'locally infected' leg ulcers. Int Wound J. 2009 [Cited 2014 Oct 8] 6(6): 453-62. [included in the review]
Wolcott RD, Rhoads DD. A study of biofilm-based wound management in subjects with critical limb ichaemia. Journal of wound care. 2008 [Cited 2014 Oct 8] 17(4): 145-155. [included in the review]
Landsdown AB, Williams A. Bacterial resistance to silver in wound care and medical devices. J Wound Care. 2007 [Cited 2014 Oct 8] 16(1): 15-9. [included in the review]
Basu S, Ramchuran Panray T, Bali Singh T, Gulati AK, Shukla VK. A prospective, descriptive study to identify the microbiological profile of chronic wounds in outpatients. Ostomy Wound Manage. (Online) [Internet] 2009 [Cited 2014 Oct 8] 55(1): 14-20. Available from: [included in the review]
Woo KY, Coutts PM, Sibbald RG. A randomized controlled trial to evaluate an antimicrobial dressing with silver alginate powder for the management of chronic wounds exhibiting signs of critical colonization. Adv Skin Wound Care. 2012 [Cited 2014 Oct 8] 25(11): 503-8. [included in the review]
Steenvoorde P, Doorn LPV, Jacobi CE, Oskam J. An Unnexpected effect of Dermacyn on infected leg ulcer. Journal of wound care. 2007 [Cited 2014 Oct 15] 16(2): 60-61. [included in the review]
Meaume S, Vallet D. Evalluation of a silver-releasing hydroalginate dressing in chronic wounds with signals of local infection. Journal of wound care. 2005 [Cited 2014 Oct 15] 14(9): 411-419. [included in the review]
Brown S. Clinical antimicrobial photodynamic therapy: phase II studies in chronic wounds. J Natl Compr Canc Netw. (Online) [Internet] 2012 [Cited 2014 Oct 15] 10 Suppl 2: S80-3. Available from:[included in the review]
Thai TP, Keast DH, Campbell KE, Woodbury MG, Houghton PE. Effect of ultraviolet light C on bacterial colonization in chronic wounds. Ostomy Wound Manage. (Online) [Internet] 2005 [Cited 2014 Oct 8] 51(10): 32-45. Available from: [included in the review]
Downe A. Use of Urgotul SSD to reduce bacteria and promote healing in chronic wounds. Br J Community Nurs. 2013 [Cited 2014 Oct 8] Suppl: S32, S34-8. [included in the review]
Lazareth I, Meaume S, Sigal-Grinberg ML, Combemale P, Le Guyadec T, Zagnoli A. Efficacy of a silver lipidocolloid dressing on heavily colonised wounds: a republished RCT. J Wound Care. 2012 [Cited 2014 Oct 8] 21(2): 96-102. [included in the review]
Nasir NM, Halim AS, Singh KB, Dorai AA, Haneef MM. Antibacterial properties of tualang honey and its effect in burn wound management: a comparative study. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicin. (Online) [Internet] 2010 [Cited 2014 Oct 8] 10(31). Available from:
Han A, Zenilman JM, Melendez JH, et al. The importance of a multi-faceted approach to characterizing the microbial flora of chronic wounds. Wound Repair Regen. (Online) [Internet] 2011 [Cited 2014 Oct 8] 19(5):532-541. Available from: df
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Burkatovskaya M, Caetano AP, Demivoda-rice TN, Tegos GP, Hamblin MR. Effect of chitosan acetate bandage on wound healing in infected and noninfected wounds in mice. Wound Repair Regen. (Online) [Internet] 2008 [Cited 2014 Oct 8] 16(3). Available from: 1111/j.1524-475X.2008.00382.x/pdf
Dantas ALM, Ferreira PC, Valença CN, Diniz KD, Nunes JP, Germano RM. Complications of pressure ulcers in severely ill patients: a descriptive-exploratory study. Online braz j nurs [Internet]. 2013 June [cited 2014 Nov 27] 12(2). Available from: . doi: