Mortality for accidents of traffic in Rio Branco- Acre - Brazil, 2001 to 2003


This study descriptive with the objective of analyzing the mortality for accidents of traffic, in the Municipal district of Rio Branco - Acre - Brazil, happened in the period from 2001 to 2003. The data were collected the System of Information of Mortality close to - SIM; Cadaverous exam of the Legal Medical Institute and Service of Ransom of the Body of Firemen from Acre. It was found 3412 accidents of traffic, of the which 228 (6,7%) they were with fatal victims. With relationship to the masculine gender the strip more prevalence was the one of 21 - 40 years with 93 (50,2%), while for the feminine it was in the one of 11 - 30 years, with 22 (51,1)%). The schedule of the accidents with larger prevalence went from 18 o'clock at 6 o'clock, with 1.507 (44,5%), tends as vehicles, the car, truck, bus and cart with 35,7%, proceeded by the bicycles with 29,7% and motorcycle with 27,2%. As conclusion stands out the high mortality for accidents in the masculine gender, inside of the adult-young population and economically it activates, being reinforced like this the need to implement programs of prevention of accidents in the traffic.
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