Study accomplished 101 post delivery of a State Maternity of Rio Branco - Acre close to, to verify the profile of the assisted post delivery, where more than 80% were in the 15-29 year-old age group, 54% possessed low education. More than 60% didn't possess legal union. The use or not of contraceptive method it was of 50%, being 89% for the oral and 50% possessed of 2-3 gestations with 1-2 year-old interval, representing 65,6%. The exam of prenatal was accomplished in 91%, with more than 5-6 consultations. Of the problems in the pregnancy 35.8% were for hemorrhage, 19.3% vomit in the pregnancy and 16.1% with hypertension. 76% had normal childbirth and 24% cesarean and 92% with spontaneous retreat of the placenta. 73.8% of the childbirths were for midwives and 17.5% for doctors, in addition 47% of RN's sucked with more than one hour after the childbirth.
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